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Planting Bare-Root Trees

Dig a hole about three feet wide and as deep as the longest root. The graft union must remain about four to six inches above the soil line once the soil has settled.

  • Set soil aside and create a mixture of one-third Master Nursery® Bumper Crop or Master Nursery® Gold Rush to two-thirds native soil.
  • Place one-half cup Master Nursery® Master Start at the bottom of the hole and mix in well with the soil in the bottom of the hole. Situate the tree with the graft union facing north and begin backfilling with the soil mix. When the hole is about halfway filled, firmly tamp soil around the roots, but do not compact! Continue filling.
  • Use extra soil mix to construct a berm about four to six inches high around the periphery of the hole. This will facilitate flood irrigation.
  • Water the amended soil mix until it stops bubbling and settles the soil. Add more soil mix if necessary. Water again.
  • If you do not live in deer country, trees should be pruned to about two to three feet so that the primary scaffold branches develop low and ripe fruit is easily harvested.
  • Bare-root fruit trees have been sprayed with copper so there is no need to apply dormant spray until the winter following the planting. For growing season sprays, see our individual fruit tree care guides.

planting bare root 1

Last update: 07/16/2022

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