Choosing Roses for Your Garden
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Roses are a perfect Valentine’s gift and Wegman’s Nursery has a huge selection! Here are some tips for choosing the perfect rose for your perfect gardener. Roses are a worthwhile addition to almost any garden. We say almost always, because if there are not six or more hours of full sunlight over the rose bed, you cannot expect total success. All of the other factors needed for growing good roses (soil, water, nutrients, and pet control) can be adjusted by the gardener. Decide what you want your roses to do. If you want a mass of color and don’t need long-stemmed roses, Floribunda Roses will be your choice. If you want long-stemmed roses suitable for bouquets, then Hybrid Tea Roses should be your choice. There are many other types of roses besides the Floribunda and Hybrid Teas such as Climbers (which can be Climbing Hybrid Teas or Climbing Floribundas). Among these two groups are many colors, fragrances and disease susceptibilities to consider. Here are some recommendations to get you started or to enhance your rose garden. These roses will all grow well in a Peninsula rose garden if the factors listed above are properly applied. |
Color-Name | Color Description | Fragrance | Type | Form |
RED- Mister Lincoln** | Velvety Deep Red | Strong Damask Rose | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
Olympiad | Brilliant Red | Light Fruity | Hybrid Tea | Bush or Tree |
Drop Dead Red | Red Velvet | Mild Tea | Floribunda | Bush or Tree |
Oklahoma** | Dark Velvety Red | Strong Rose | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
PINK- Bewitched •• | Even Cotton Candy Pink | Rich Rose | Hybrid Tea | Bush or Tree |
New Zealand ** | Soft Creamy Pink | Strong Honeysuckle | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
Jump For Joy • | Peachy Pink | Mild Apple | Floribunda | Bush |
WHITE - Honor | Crisp Bright White | Slight Tea | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
John F. Kennedy** | Pure White | Heavy | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
Iceberg | Ice White | Mild Honey | Floribunda | Bush or Tree or Climber |
Sugar Moon •• | Super Fragrant Pure White | Intense Sweet Citrus | Hybrid Tea | Bush or Tree |
ORANGE(ish) - Fragrant Cloud ** | Deep Coral Red-Orange | Strong | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
Pumpkin Patch • | Carmel Orange | Moderate Fruity | Floribunda | Bush |
Good As Gold ** | Deep Golden Orange-Yellow | Grapefruit & Citrus | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
YELLOW- Henry Fonda* | Deep Yellow | Light Sweet | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
Midas Touch** | Yellow | Moderate | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
Julia Child •• | Butter Gold | Strong, Sweet Licorice | Floribunda | Bush or Tree |
MAUVE - Stainless Steel ** | Silvery Lavender | Strong Rose | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
Intrigue • ** | Novel Plum Purple | Strong Citrus | Floribunda | Bush |
BLENDS - Peace •• | Lemony Yellow edged Pure Pink | Mild Fruity | Hybrid Tea | Bush |
Just Joey •• | Delicious Rich Apricot | Strong Fruity | Hybrid Tea | Bush or Tree |
Double Delight • •• | Cream While Blushing to Red | Strong Spicy Rose | Hybrid Tea | Bush or Tree |
Cinco De Mayo * | Smoky Lavender & Rusty Red | Moderate Sweet Apple | Floribunda | Bush |
Livin' Easy • ** | Apricot Orange | Moderate Fruity | Floribunda | Bush |
Tuscan Sun* | Deep Apricot-Orange | Light Spicy | Floribunda | Bush |
All of these roses are available at Wegman’s Nursery plus many other varieties! The varieties listed above that are marked with a double asterisk (**) are especially fragrant and will produce wonderful bouquets or act alone in a small vase to refresh an entire room. There are no specific rules about using roses in the landscape. You may choose to have some Hybrid Teas and some Floribundas in the same bed. Just remember to put the taller Hybrid Teas in the back and the shorter Floribundas in front. If you are just starting your first rose bed, it is important to prepare the soil properly. You will need a bag of Nurseryman’s Rose Planting Mix for every two roses plus a handful of Master Nursery Start Fertilizer for each bush. We will be happy to decorate a container with foil wrap and a bow as a Valentine’s gift; just let us know! Check out our web site for more information pertaining to our Care Guides for Roses. |